Dear Kristen,
I am writing to say how grateful I am for your help during this past couple of years.
The last 6 months were the hardest and also when I experienced a tangible shift. You were there like a midwife, holding my hand, encouraging me and being a middle person between me and the Angels, the Masters and my Guides.
You were also generous with your time. You let me use your service twice as much as your nominal fee allowed, which came at the right time.Otherwise my financial situation would not have enabled me to get such service.
Thank you my Earth Angel and Conduit!
With many blessings,
London, England

My time with Kristen restored my faith in myself and in the universe. I feel whole. I feel confident. I don't recall ever feeling so complete. I am overjoyed by the support of this mighty Universe. Kristen's ability to connect with my energy and Archangel Michael brought me such peace, joy and fullness. I feel, in a word, light. I knew intuitively that "all is well", having Kristen articulate my knowing allowed me to go from knowing to KNOWING. I know that I know that I know. Hallelujah!
Clevland, OH

I absolutely love the daily mantras, energy reports and inspirational social media posts. I feel like you are speaking directly to me, as if you read my mind and see my heart. Much gratitude.
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Magical Kristen is truly magical. During our session, with my inner vision and sensing, I was able to follow along with most of the energetic work she and the angles were doing. It was wonderful to witness and understand what was going on. After the call I was highly energized. I felt lighter and brighter and could feel the weight of my confusion just slip away. I felt relief because I had been asking my guides about my path and next step but not being able to interpret the answers clearly. Kristen helped me make sense of it all. Within a few hours after the session I started getting teary-eyed, which for me is a sign of shifting. I felt an expansion of being able to let go of and be in gratitude of where I had been. I am now ready to move on with open heart and clear intentions.
Tijunga, CA

Not only does Kristen have the spiritually-connected right brain going full force but she also has the strong organizationally-focused left brain to balance the show. An impressive combination.
Beverly Hills, CA

My whole life changed for the better when I started working with Kristen. Thank you for helping me get unstuck.
Boston, MA

I am who I am today because of the incredible guidance and support I received from Kristen during my awakening. One of the greatest gifts she's given me is the activation of my metaphysical "sight", and the ability to journey inward to discover and explore other dimensions and realms. This ability to see beyond the physical has helped me rise above the limiting thoughts of my mind, come into greater alignment with my truth and reclaim my personal power. Working with Kristen is truly magical experience.
Hermosa Beach, CA

I can't thank you enough. I feel like a new woman. I'm so happy I found you.
West Hollywood, CA

After several months of physical therapy I still had pain in my shoulder, elbow and wrist. After a few Reiki sessions with Kristen the discomfort is gone and I'm back in the gym.
Redondo Beach, CA

Thank you for all you are...such a beautiful and magical woman. What an honor to know you!
Los Angeles, CA

My wife told me my life would change after my session. I was skeptical a Skype chat could have such a profound effect. Well, it did. I no longer call myself a smoker. Now, I'm a meditator.
Sydney, Australia

The night of my sesssion I slept really well and woke refreshed. I can't remember the last time I felt that way!!! So wonderful!! Still buzzing and want to keep it!! So grateful for all your gifts!
Santa Monica, CA

Kristen guided me in my darkest hour. Thankfully my angels lead me to her straight away. She was patient, kind and generous with her time. I'm eternally grateful!
Bristol, England